The Addictive Voice

The Addictive Voice

The most important part of rehab is identifying your addictive voice or using Addictive Voice Recognition techniques. If you can hear a separate voice talking to you, saying ‘have another drink’, ‘just a couple of beers won’t hurt’ or ‘I can stop using Meth anytime’,...
Doing a Meth (Ice) Detox

Doing a Meth (Ice) Detox

There’s a big stigma around Ice withdrawal. The media images of violent outbursts in hospitals creates the impression that detoxing is dangerous. In fact, Meth is the easiest of all detoxes. It leaves the body quickly and the person can feel good as gold in 5 days. So...
But Cannabis is only a plant

But Cannabis is only a plant

But Cannabis isn’t a drug, it’s a plant. Everyone says it so it must be true. Marijuana has been around for so long, it can’t be harmful. No-one has ever died from smoking a joint. Lots of people use Cannabis and they seem to be fine. It’s legal now, so that must mean...